Thursday, December 31, 2009
Year in review
I've already set my 2010 goals and this year, I am sticking to them!
What about you all? How was 2009? Ready for 2010?
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
The one thing I've noticed about holidays is that the older I get the less enjoyable they seem to be. I'm not sure if it's because we're all growing up and our lives are changing, or what it is. I remember how holidays used to was so exciting and almost routine. Thanksgiving, we'd all cook, watch the was so much fun. Now it seems different. We're deciding who can come, what to bring, when to eat. It seems more stressful than enjoyable.
I have to admit, I am very excited to decorate for the holidays, especially Christmas. At least people are happier this time of the year:)
So how do you spend your holidays?
Friday, October 9, 2009
What have you done lately?
I want to talk to you about two opportunities that might interest you. The first being Runners4Christ. This group started when a few friends got together and decided they wanted to give back to the community, but they really weren’t sure how to do it. One of the projects we started is called ARK: Acts of Random Kindness. ARKs come in all shapes and sizes, from serving food at a homeless shelter to paying for the person behind you at Starbucks to picking up trash at a park. Each month, we get together to do at least one project for the community, and so far it’s going great! You can join Runners4Christ on facebook:
The next group I am going to talk to you about, I am not a part of, but I feel that it's a good cause. It's called Buddy Up Tennis. Buddy Up Tennis is 90-minute program focused on adaptive tennis, fitness and fun for children and adults with Down syndrome in Columbus, Ohio and the surrounding areas.
Both of these are great programs! So let me ask you - what do you do to give back to the community?
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Has this happened to anyone? Do your favorite teams change the older you get?
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
The No-Gym Workout
I have been determine to workout on my own. Typically I only get a good workout in once or twice a week.
I just read this article called The No-Gym Workout. It provides some great tips on easy ways to stay in shape at home. I am going to start trying some of this stuff. It mentions that working out just 2.5 hours a week will really help you stay in shape. That's is less than a half an hour a day, if you work out 7 days.
So all you out there who are trying to save a buck, this might help you out!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
The four grossest kid health problems!!
Hopefully your children never have any health problems, but since we all know that's probably not going to happen, it's always good to be prepared. I hope that this article helps you all out!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
It seems that lately there are bad drivers everywhere! If it's not a motorcycle zooming in and out of traffic, it's a semi trying to run you over! What's the deal??? I would like to say I am a polite driver. I let semi's over and have the right away. In traffic I let other people merge, following the zig-zag rule. But what drives me crazy is when people just try to merge without signaling, without caring if you are there, they expect you to stop. Why is that? Today a semi started merging on top of me. I had to slam my brakes!!!
Everyday to and from work, I pray just to make it there safely. I am now asking everyone to pray that I and anyone else driving in this madness makes it to their destination safely!!!
Any tips on how to stay safe and keep my sanity in rush hour traffic??
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Jon & Kate...
And then of course I posted this comment, but then I thought...hey why not just blog you'll see it on her blog as well as mind.
I must put a disclaimer on my comment that I am not a mother nor am I married. So keep that in mind as I write this...
First: I have to say with this family...if God wanted everyone to have kids, then it would just happen. I am so against the fertility treatments. There is a reason that some people can have children and others can't. That reason..I have no clue. Maybe some are suppose to adopt, or do something else in this world. Not everyone is meant to be a parent.
Second: Why is that when things start to get hard in a marriage that instead of trying to work through things, people opt for a divorce. In the Bible in the same chapter it talks about homosexuals, it talks about divorce. Yet, the same people who protest homosexuality have no issues with divorce. You see no protest about divorces anywhere...why is that?
Third: There are 8 children involved with this...did they ever think about that before the paraded their family on air? Or decided to get a divorce? What will happen with the kids? And when the kids see these episodes and all the news surrounding their parents, what will they think? Is this fair for them? I honestly think it would be more powerful and better for the children if they would just get some help and counseling and try to work through the issues. CANCEL THE SHOW to focus on their family.
And that is all I have to say about that! This is just my opinion, so please take it at that. I am not meaning to offend anyone in anyway by my post.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
On the flip side of things, I feel a lot better now that I'm running again. It gives me the chance to clear my head. But also it makes me want to work out more.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Back in the swing of things...
But let me tell you, it's hard to get back at it! I went running the other day and did not realize how out of shape I really was! My muscles were so sore the next day. It made me realize how important exercise in general really is.
Hopefully, I can get back into the swing of things....I'll keep you all posted on how it goes:)
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
4 ways to shed belly fat...
4 Ways to Shed Belly Fat
1. Exercise. You can't exercise to spot reduce, but it will help you shed excess pounds -- and often, the fat your body sheds first comes from your belly. Abdominal crunches can help tone muscles to make your stomach look flatter, but to truly get rid of fat, you have to burn it off through aerobic activity.
2. Be a mindful eater. Researchers are currently investigating whether really paying attention to what you eat can help redistribute body fat from your waist to your hips. Plenty of studies, though, have shown that mindful eating can help with weight loss efforts.
3. Get adequate amounts of sleep. Too little sleep (less than six hours) or too much (more than eight hours) results in an excess production of the stress hormone cortisol. This hormone promotes the storage of fat in the belly.
4. Reduce stress. Penciling in 15 minutes a day for relaxation can also lower your cortisol levels, helping you shed belly fat. Deep breathing, a stroll outdoors under the blossoming trees, or a bubble bath can help you leave the world behind.
For more information check out the following link:
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Focus on the Good
Last night at church we were talking about this very issue and it dawned on me. What if something bad happens and I try to find the good in it instead of the bad? If I just try to keep my focus on God and all the good things He has done for me instead of all the negativity that is floating around in the world, I would be a lot happier and probably healthier.
So I am going to extend my challenge to all you out there. Focus on the good things in your life, the many blessings that have been bestowed, upon you. I guarantee that you will feel better and enjoy life more.
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.
--Reinhold Niebuhr
Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will direct your paths.
Proverbs 3, 5-6
Monday, March 16, 2009
Too much salt in your diet?
Time Magazine Article
Friday, March 13, 2009
How healthy is the Wii fit?
Well the first month was awesome. I was completely dedicated...but then I got busy. In my head too busy to work out.
Some members of my family now have to Wii fit and (like I used to be) are completely committed to working out with the Wii fit. I started thinking, is working out on the Wii fit the same as a real work out at a gym? Here is an article from CNN about the Wii fit:
What are your thoughts about the Wii fit vs. a gym workout? Any suggestions on how to stay motivated?
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Can Prayer Keep You Healthy?
Here read the full article:
As always, keep plugging away to lose that weight!!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
10 reasons you don't lose weight...
Well I just read an article that might help you:
This article provides great tips on what you should eat, portion sizes and much more!
Remember to keep up the good work!
Monday, February 9, 2009
Child Obesity
Take a look:
"In the U.S., at least one out of five kids is overweight. The number of overweight children continues to grow. Over the last two decades, this number has increased by more than 50% and the number of "extremely" overweight children has nearly doubled.
A doctor determines if children are overweight by measuring their height and weight. Although children have fewer weight-related health problems than adults, overweight children are at high risk of becoming overweight adolescents and adults. Overweight adults are at risk for a number of health problems including heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure stroke, and some forms of cancer.
Did You Know That...
* Obese children and adolescents have shown an alarming increase in the incidence of type 2 diabetes, also known as adult-onset diabetes.
* Many obese children have high cholesterol and blood pressure levels, which are risk factors for heart disease.
* One of the most severe problems for obese children is sleep apnea (interrupted breathing while sleeping). In some cases this can lead to problems with learning and memory.
* Obese children have a high incidence of orthopedic problems, liver disease, and asthma.
* Overweight adolescents have a 70 percent chance of becoming overweight or obese adults."
You can find more of this article at:
So what does this mean? Should we leave it up to the parent to make sure their children are eating healthy? Yes and no. As family members we need to take an active role in our nieces, nephews, god-child, etc., life. When we are watching the kids, make sure they eat healthy. Trust me if you know it's not good for you to eat, it's obviously not good for the child.
These are just a few tips hat I stumble across today.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
High Blood Pressure
As always...GO MOM!!
Friday, January 23, 2009
Tips on how to lose weight
10 Easy to follow Tips to help You Lose Weight
by Steve Li
Dieting is not easy. If it were, we would probably all be thin. Since we are not, here are some tips that successful people use to lose weight so that others can benefit, too.
Okay, for many people this is a big problem. Water doesn’t taste all that great generally because water doesn’t really “taste” like anything. Drinking water 8 to 10 times each day gets easier the more you actually do it. It is simply a matter of conditioning your taste buds, and yourself, so that it becomes easier to do. Once you get started, you will begin to crave water.
To begin with, you should drink a glass of water in the morning first thing, before you eat. This is probably the easiest glass you will drink all day and it will help you remember to drink water all day long. Better yet, why not drink two glasses?
If you really cannot bear the taste of water, try using a water purifying pitcher or filter. You can also add a few drops of lemon or lime to your water – but no sugar or sweetener! Ice also helps.
Check out flavored waters on the market, too. Just keep an eye out for additives.
Do not skip breakfast. If you need to go to bed a little earlier so that you can get up 20 minutes earlier each morning – do it! Breakfast is so important to your good health and to weight control. According to Dr. Barbara Rolls a professor of nutrition at Penn State University, "Your metabolism slows while you sleep, and it doesn't rev back up until you eat again."
Eating breakfast is not only good for overall weight loss, it will help you stay on track with your diet the rest of the day. You are more likely to binge on something sweet and in the “bread” group if you skip breakfast.
You can always keep a couple of hard-boiled eggs in the fridge or some high-fiber, low starch fruit around. If you plan to eat fruit at all during the day, breakfast is the perfect time to do it.
This can be one of the hardest adjustments to make. After all, you are busy! You already have a “full-plate”. When do you have time to worry about filling your plate with more frequent meals?
Just like eating breakfast will increase your metabolism, so will eating more often. This will also help you curb your bad-carb intake by making sure that your snacks are planned and occur regularly throughout the day.
Really, it will just take a minimal investment of planning time at the grocery store and at home each morning before you head out for the day to make some healthy food choices and prepare a few healthy snacks and meals. For suggestions, just see the handy list of snacks and appetizers listed later.
This is one easy way to remember what not to eat. If it is made from sugar, flour, potatoes, rice or corn - just say no. Remembering this rule of thumb will make it easier to recognize those rice cakes as an unhealthy high-carb snack.
Always look for colorful fruits and veggies to substitute for the white ones. Buy broccoli, lettuce, bell peppers, green beans and peas, brown rice in moderation, leafy greens like kale and spinach, apples, melons, oranges and grapes.
These foods are not only colorful they are also high in fiber, nutrients and important antioxidants. Eating colorful fruits and vegetables will give your diet variety as well as give you added health benefits.
It is so easy to use a low-carb diet as an excuse for poor nutrition. Resist this temptation. If the only vegetable you have eaten in the last 5 years has been the potato, now is a good time to begin experimenting with other vegetables. This is important for your overall health and to avoid some nasty side effects of not getting enough fiber in your diet.
If you try hard enough, you will find vegetables that you enjoy eating. Experiment with grilling veggies and cooking with real butter to add flavor. You can also search for new recipes on the Internet or in cookbooks.
Remember, if you are only eating 40 grams of carb a day or less, two cups of plain salad greens contain only about 5 grams of carbohydrate. You have no excuse not to eat your veggies.
While more and more restaurants are offering low-carb friendly menu items, many of them are still not ideal low-carb fare. There are many recipes for quick and easy meals that you can prepare yourself at home. Try to do this as often as possible.
If you cook your own foods, you know exactly what the contents are and you will be able to better control for hidden sugar and otherwise processed foods.
Another benefit is the cost savings over the long run. Even if you must go to the grocery store more often, you will save a significant amount per meal as opposed to eating at restaurants and fast food establishments.
It will also be easier to maintain your diet with your own favorite fresh food selections on hand.
Having food storage containers of various sizes on hand will make it so much easier for you to plan your meals and snacks. When you buy nuts, fruits and vegetables in bulk you can simply prepare, separate and store them for easy use later.
For instance, you can pre-slice your apples and snack on them over several days. Simply cut them, rinse them in pineapple or lemon juice and store. This will make a quick and easy snack for later.
Fix your lunch and take it with you to work. Better yet, fix your lunch and 2 snacks for work.
In addition to everything that’s been discussed before, eating protein helps you burn more calories. Jeff Hample, Ph.D., R.D., a spokesman for the American Dietetic Association says that, "Protein is made up mainly of amino acids, which are harder for your body to breakdown, so you burn more calories getting rid of them.”
Just think – eating a protein rich snack can help you lose weight. How about a few slices of turkey or ham or some string cheese?
Eating protein will also help you feel full so that you are less likely to crave unhealthy snacks.
This will help you get in your 8 to 10 glasses of water each day but it can also have other benefits. Ever feel hungry after eating a handful or standard serving of nuts? Try drinking water afterwards. The water will help you feel full and prevent overindulgence.
Drinking water after a snack will also help remove the aftertaste from your mouth and can help curb your desire for more.
You will feel full and more satisfied if you take the time to savor your food and chew it slower. Don’t get in the habit of eating while standing or eating quickly. Sit down and chew.
Eating slower will help you enjoy your food more, pay attention to what it is you are actually eating and get a better sense of when you are actually full.
My brother-in-law just created a web page that will monitor everyone's progress, so check it out:
As always...GO MOM! My mother has really stepped up to the plate and is working her tail off to lose weight. I am still predicting she will be the one to lose the most weight, she has more determination than all the other competitors...COMBINED!! Keep checking back for more updates.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Working out gives you more energy
"Being active every day means more energy for school, work or home life
You’ve heard it many times – maybe even said it yourself: “I’d like to exercise, but I just don’t have time.”
The biggest excuse people give for not getting regular exercise is a lack of the time. Demanding schedules at school, work or home often get in the way of working out.
It’s important to remember, though, that regular physical activity helps you be your best at work, school and home. That’s why Canada’s Food Guide emphasizes the importance of combining regular physical activity with healthy eating for overall health and vitality.
According to Canada’s Physical Activity Guide, accumulating 60 minutes of light-effort physical activity (such as light walking or easy gardening( or 30 to 60 minutes of moderate-effort activity (such as brisk walking, cycling, raking leaves) is a good way for adults to stay healthy or improve health. For children, 90 minutes of physical activity is recommended.
But who has that kind of time? The truth is: you do – the key is to build exercise into your daily life. As the Food Guide illustrates, you don’t have to do it all at once. For adults, 10 minutes of physical activity done several times a day can add up to a healthy 30 to 60 minutes of exercise. For children and youth, five-minute segments count.
Make active choices
A brisk walk at lunch can go a long way to meeting your daily exercise needs. So can cycling to the store, instead of taking the car. Or shooting hoops with the kids before dinner. Instead of watching television, you could go to the community pool for a swim instead.
Avoid the sedentary life
Wherever possible, choose an activity with movement over one that means sitting down. That can be as simple as dancing to music instead of listening to it. If you cut back on computer time and video games in favor of physical activity, you’ll be well on your way to meeting the daily recommendations for exercise."
These are just some thoughts on how working out can give you more energy!! Also we are working on creating a Web site that will contain more information on the competition and everyone's progress. Stay tuned for more!
Monday, January 19, 2009
Eating in Moderation
My advice for all you in the competition, try eating a bigger breakfast and a light lunch and dinner.
Also another thing I have noticed is eating till you are full. Try to cut back on your serving size and instead of getting seconds right away, wait 8 minutes. After those 8 minutes pass your stomach will not be hungry. Trust me, I've tried it and I've experimented one others. It works!!
Just a few tips to help you (meaning Mom!!) win this competition!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
The Competition
So right now my family is busting butt to lose weight. Or so we hope:) My favorite is my mom. If I had to put money on it, she is the one who will definitely lose the most weight. She has the dedication and determination to will this competition, now if she could spread that to my father, we'd be all set.
I'll keep you posted on their job is the motivator. My mom says that I am mean, but deep down it's because I care.
So get off your butt and lose the weight!!!