Wedding Countdown Ticker

Monday, January 19, 2009

Eating in Moderation

We all know that when you work out and eat healthy, you can lose a lot of weight. However, one does not work without the other. You can work out 7 days a week, and not lose weight if you do not control your diet. This means not only eating healthy, but also eating in moderation. Studies show that you should eat a big breakfast and smaller lunch and dinner that way your body can burn off the calories throughout the day.

My advice for all you in the competition, try eating a bigger breakfast and a light lunch and dinner.

Also another thing I have noticed is eating till you are full. Try to cut back on your serving size and instead of getting seconds right away, wait 8 minutes. After those 8 minutes pass your stomach will not be hungry. Trust me, I've tried it and I've experimented one others. It works!!

Just a few tips to help you (meaning Mom!!) win this competition!

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