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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Working out gives you more energy

I just read this article:

"Being active every day means more energy for school, work or home life

You’ve heard it many times – maybe even said it yourself: “I’d like to exercise, but I just don’t have time.”

The biggest excuse people give for not getting regular exercise is a lack of the time. Demanding schedules at school, work or home often get in the way of working out.

It’s important to remember, though, that regular physical activity helps you be your best at work, school and home. That’s why Canada’s Food Guide emphasizes the importance of combining regular physical activity with healthy eating for overall health and vitality.

According to Canada’s Physical Activity Guide, accumulating 60 minutes of light-effort physical activity (such as light walking or easy gardening( or 30 to 60 minutes of moderate-effort activity (such as brisk walking, cycling, raking leaves) is a good way for adults to stay healthy or improve health. For children, 90 minutes of physical activity is recommended.

But who has that kind of time? The truth is: you do – the key is to build exercise into your daily life. As the Food Guide illustrates, you don’t have to do it all at once. For adults, 10 minutes of physical activity done several times a day can add up to a healthy 30 to 60 minutes of exercise. For children and youth, five-minute segments count.

Make active choices

A brisk walk at lunch can go a long way to meeting your daily exercise needs. So can cycling to the store, instead of taking the car. Or shooting hoops with the kids before dinner. Instead of watching television, you could go to the community pool for a swim instead.

Avoid the sedentary life

Wherever possible, choose an activity with movement over one that means sitting down. That can be as simple as dancing to music instead of listening to it. If you cut back on computer time and video games in favor of physical activity, you’ll be well on your way to meeting the daily recommendations for exercise."

These are just some thoughts on how working out can give you more energy!! Also we are working on creating a Web site that will contain more information on the competition and everyone's progress. Stay tuned for more!

1 comment:

Nebraska Sustainable Agriculture Society said...

I agree 100%. In the beginning I felt the same way, however I realized that it was a lifestyle choice. I wanted to work out, and I thoroughly enjoy it, so I needed to make time to do it. In turn I have had more energy constantly. For me what worked best was working out in the morning, which I love! I know some people are not morning people but honestly I get so much more done, it is ridiculous! But I would say find a time that works everyday and stick with it, repetition breeds habits, and this is one to keep!!